If I designed my ideal place, it is not a gym. It is a studio. It's intense, effective, complete, and safe. Strength training, core work, stretching and you’re in and out in under an hour. You look great. You feel great, stronger, more flexible, more sculpted. Your friends see the results.

HSF is not a chain. There are no TVs, no cell phones, no waiting for equipment or jockeying for space at the barre, no herds of spinners, no teachers screaming into a microphone from a memorized script. With no more than 7 clients at any given time, clients get personal attention from master teachers certified by the most rigorous programs. It's friendly. It's for men and women, for beginners and athletes, with no atmosphere of intimidation or competition.

Movement heals. Especially now. Our goal is to get your body strong, your mind focused, your heart pumping, your joints moving freely, and your pain non-existent. We want you moving and grooving for the long haul.


Henry Street Fitness teaches on equipment designed by Joseph Pilates himself, essentially unchanged since the 1930s, called The Tower. Our clients get great results because our eagle eyes are on them from start to finish. All of our instructors are certified through the most prestigious training centers.


Joseph Pilates trained Romana Kryzanowska. And Romana trained Jan. And Jan trains you. That’s what Classical Pilates means. What is she like as a teacher? All about the flow, the laugh and the next level. Her vibe is part rock star and part been there done that, let’s move on.

the best teachers in the industry