Pilates is famous for its effect on the “core” (the muscles of the abdomen and back), but it benefits the entire body. You will feel and look better everywhere.

Its most famous fans—models, actors, and ballet dancers—have the most demanding standards in physical fitness and appearance, but Pilates is for everyone. Men, women, competitive athletes, retirees, once-a-week exercisers: everyone.

Why not be the best version of yourself, the strongest version, the most connected? And why not learn how to do that among friends, without it being too much of a chore, too loud, or too contrived? Just do what has been done for 80 years and reap the benefits of being able to move your body without restriction, strain, and fatigue.

"For nearly a decade, I suffered from chronic lower back pain, exacerbated by long days at my desk. Running, yoga, and the chiropractor didn't help; I thought I'd have to suck up the pain for good. But after just a few months taking classes, my lower back pain vanished. Literally gone. All that stuff you hear about "strengthening your core" is no joke."

"When I went for my annual physical my doctor asked me what I'd been doing to get such great abs. The only thing I'd been doing was HSF three times a week. At 50 my body is in better shape than it was at 35. Plus it gives me energy for my everyday life, physical resilience as my body ages and the mental satisfaction that I'm doing what I can to stem the tide! Oh and I forgot to mention - it's about as fun as exercise gets."

"As a doctor and mother of 3 small children, I recommend Pilates on an almost daily basis. I encourage it for patients with chronic back pain, mothers looking to get back into shape, friends with those classic hunched-up shoulders that come as a by-product of living in the city (I had them, too, before Pilates!). Without a doubt, I look and feel better than I did when I was in my twenties.  I know of no other exercise in which you can achieve such dramatic results with such a limited investment of time."

